Lightbenders Shutters
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certification based on results, not sales figures

Many shutter retailers proudly display badges and emblems of various kinds and with fancy names. In many cases this eye candy is all about sales volume and not quality. Many retailers are awarded a badge simply because they only carry one brand. That is not the way we roll.

We only display one badge: The Homeowner Rated Gold™ emblem. This is based 100% on the confidential opinions of our customers. When we have completed an installation, we give our customers a warranty card and a mail-back survey card. The homeowner rates us on a scale of 0 – 100 on our performance and our products, then folds and seals the card, then drops it in the mail directly to O'Hair Shutters, Ltd. We never see the surveys.

Once every month, the customer's scores are automatically tabulated and our HR Gold™ status is reviewed. We maintain our status as a gold-rated dealer by ensuring customer satisfaction.

shutter quote
Lightbenders Shutters